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Join the Best Android App Development Course at HrishiComputer

Are you ready to master Android app development? Our comprehensive Android App Development Course at HrishiComputer is designed to take you from a beginner to an advanced level. Whether you're looking to build dynamic mobile applications, understand the fundamentals of Android, or enhance your development skills, this course is perfect for you.

Our curriculum covers everything you need to know about Android app development. You'll start with the basics and quickly progress to more complex concepts. With hands-on projects and real-world examples, you'll gain practical experience that you can apply immediately. Our expert instructors are here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring you fully understand each topic before moving on.

In addition to our thorough curriculum, we offer job placement support to help you start your career as an Android developer. Our course is designed to be flexible, allowing you to learn at your own pace, with both online and offline options available.

Join us at HrishiComputer to learn from experts, use the latest techniques and tools, get real-world practice, and receive job support. Enroll today in the best Android app development course and start your journey to becoming a professional Android developer!

 Android App Development Course Highlights
  • In-Depth Android Training: Master Android app development with detailed lessons on Java, Kotlin, Android Studio, and more.
  • Advanced Development Techniques: Explore advanced methods for creating robust and dynamic mobile applications.
  • Interactive Learning Environment: Benefit from an interactive learning setup with live coding sessions and immediate feedback.
  • Regular Assessments: Track your progress through regular quizzes and assignments designed to reinforce your learning.
  • Community Access: Join a supportive community of learners and professionals to share knowledge, resources, and networking opportunities.
  • Updated Course Material: Stay ahead with the latest industry practices and trends as our course material is regularly updated to reflect current standards.


1 ½ Month


6 Days/ 2 Hours

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The complete syllabus of the Android App Development course is given below

JAVA Concepts

  • OOPs Concepts
  • Inheritance in detail
  • Exception handling
  • Packages & interfaces
  • JVM & .jar file extension
  • Multi-threading (Thread class & Runnable Interface)


  • DML & DDL Queries in brief

Introduction to Android

  • What is Android?
  • Setting up development environment
  • Dalvik Virtual Machine & .apk file extension
  • Fundamentals:
    • a.Basic Building blocks - Activities,Services,Broadcast Receivers & Content providers
    • b.UI Components - Views & notifications
    • c.Components for communication -Intents & Intent Filters
  • Android API levels (versions & version names)

Application Structure (in detail)

  • AndroidManifest.xml
  • uses-permission & uses-sdk
  • Resources &
  • Assets
  • Layouts & Drawable Resources
  • Activities and Activity lifecycle
  • First sample Application

Emulator-Android Virtual Device

  • Launching emulator
  • Editing emulator settings
  • Emulator shortcuts
  • Logcat usage
  • Introduction to DDMS
  • Second App:- (switching between activities)
  • Develop an app for demonstrating the communication between Intents

Basic UI design

  • Form widgets
  • Text Fields
  • Layouts
  • [dip, dp, sip, sp] versus px


  • Shared Preferences
  • Preferences from xml


  • Option menu
  • Context menu
  • Sub menu
  • menu from xml
  • menu via code

Intents (in detail)

  • Explicit Intents
  • Implicit intents
  • Examples

UI design

  • Time and Date
  • Images and media
  • Composite
  • Alert Dialogs & Toast
  • Popup

Tabs and Tab Activity


Styles & Themes

  • styles.xml
  • drawable resources for shapes, gradients (selectors)
  • style attribute in layout file
  • Applying themes via code and manifest file

Content Providers

  • SQLite Programming
  • SQLiteOpenHelper
  • SQLiteDatabse
  • Cursor
  • Reading and updating Contacts
  • Reading bookmarks

Android Debug Bridge(adb) tool



  • Web URLs, Email address, text, map address, phone numbers
  • MatchFilter & TransformFilter
  • Android Training Course

Adapters and Widgets

  • Adapters
    • ArrayAdapters
    • BaseAdapters
  • ListView and ListActivity
  • Custom listview
  • GridView using adapters
  • Gallery using adapters


  • Broadcast Receivers
  • Services and notifications
  • Toast
  • Alarms

Custom components

  • Custom Tabs
  • Custom animated popup panels
  • Other components


  • Threads running on UI thread (runOnUiThread)
  • Worker thread
  • Handlers & Runnable


  • Live Folders
  • Using sdcards
  • XML Parsing
  • JSON Parsing
  • Maps, GPS, Location based Services
  • Accessing Phone services (Call, SMS, MMS)
  • Network connectivity services
  • Sensor

Why HrishiComputer is The Best Android App Development Training Institute

Expert Instructors

Learn from industry experts with years of experience in Android app development. ...


Earn a recognized certificate upon course completion to boost your career prospects. ...

Job Placement Support

Assistance with job searches and interview preparation to help you start your career. ...

Flexible Learning

Both online and offline learning options are available to suit your schedule. ...

Comprehensive Curriculum

Covering all essential topics and advanced concepts in Android development, from UI design to app publishing. ...

Hands-On Projects

Real-world projects to enhance your learning experience and prepare you for the job market. ...

What Learners Say About Our Android App Development Course

FAQs About the Best Android App Development Course with Certification

Best Android App Development Course


 An Android app development course teaches you how to create mobile applications for Android devices, covering everything from basic to advanced concepts.

 The best course covers all aspects of Android development, provides hands-on experience, and includes job placement support and certification.

 You can learn Android app development through structured courses that offer theoretical knowledge and practical experience, such as the one offered at HrishiComputer.

 Anyone interested in mobile app development, from beginners to experienced developers looking to enhance their skills.

Best Android App Development Course


A basic understanding of programming concepts is recommended but not required.

 The course duration is flexible, with both part-time and full-time options available.

 Upon completion, you will receive a certification from HrishiComputer, recognized by the industry.

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HRISHI Computer Education, one of the leading IT/ Computer Education Institutes in Vasai-Virar, is run under the visionary leadership of Mrs. Surekha Bhosale.